Jake was born.

2005 November 18

Created by Jamie 4 years ago
Jake was born on November 18, 2005 in Tulsa, Oklahoma .He was my blonde haired, blue eyed (rainbow) baby. I miscarried the year before, that's something I never told him.But he grew to know I had a love for rainbows and would help capture either by sight or film every chance we got. I called him my earth angel. Jacob was my youngest of 2 kids, both boys but I always felt he had an old soul. He lived to be two months shy of 11 years old before Sudep took him from me 09/05/16. I will always cherish and feel blessed to have been chosen to be his mom. He filled my life with so much joy and laughter. He was prankster, to this day I still like yell out Jacob Kellan like I did when I would run into one of his pranks in Hope's I can hear that sweet giggle once again. He was my music loving, dancing buddy, dance in the rain and not care who's watching, baseball loving, goal setting, amazing uncle, loved kids, animals and nature. Jake, you made my life worth everything for being in it . I would still choose you again and go thru this heartache to have you back again. Keep playing ball and dancing away til I see you again, love you always and forever Mom